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The Battle Pyramid is one of the facilities found in Emerald's Battle Frontier and can prove to be a real challenge to a lot of trainers. Each run will take you through the ever-changing seven floors of the pyramid while putting multiple obstacles along your way, like trainers and wild Pokémon.

Even though trainers only have one Pokémon and wild Pokémon appear at a lower level than your team, the combination of multiple wild Pokémon and trainer battles can wear down your team over time if you get lost, even if you can find healing items laying around.

This Battle Pyramid layout tool will help you keep track of each floor and its trainers, as well as extra info on each round and its wild Pokémon. Check the "Tool Information" section below for more.

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Drag and drop

Current Pyramid floor layout

Possible floor sections

Pyramid floor 1 Pyramid floor 2 Pyramid floor 3 Pyramid floor 4 Pyramid floor 5 Pyramid floor 6 Pyramid floor 7 Pyramid floor 8 Pyramid floor 9 Pyramid floor 10 Pyramid floor 11 Pyramid floor 12 Pyramid floor 13 Pyramid floor 14 Pyramid floor 15 Pyramid floor 16

Tool information.

How to use.

  • Adding sections: drag one of the sections from the list on the right and drop it on one of the empty sections of the current floor layout (left). Left-click on one of the sections you dragged to remove it.
  • Adding trainers: on any of the sections, right-click a tile to add a trainer sprite to keep track of it. Right-click the same tile again to remove it.
  • Use the "Clear Layout" button to remove all sections and trainers.

Use the round tables on this page to keep track of the wild Pokémon and their sets.

How it works.

The Battle Pyramid generates its floors in a very simple way:

  • Each floor consists of a 32 x 32 tile room. This room is divided into 16 sections (8 x 8 tiles), as represented in this tool.
  • The sections are randomly chosen from a list. These are the ones that you can drag and drop from the list on the right.
  • As you enter a new floor, you will appear on the warp tile of that section (the blue-coloured square).

By using the section list as a reference, you can map out the floor as you traverse it, helping you recognise the shape of each section and easily finding the possible position of the warp tile within it.

Credits go to Golden Blissey for the research on mapping out the Battle Pyramid floors.

Wild Pokémon.

"I see a shower of sparks... ...And in it, I see yout POKéMON struggling with paralysis..."

Pokémon per floor
Floor Pokémon 1 Pokémon 2 Pokémon 3 Pokémon 4
1 Plusle60% Minun20% Pikachu15% Electabuzz5%
2 Minun60% Pikachu20% Electabuzz15% Vileplume5%
3 Pikachu60% Electabuzz20% Vileplume15% Manectric5%
4 Electabuzz60% Vileplume20% Manectric15% Breloom5%
5 Vileplume60% Manectric20% Breloom15% Jolteon5%
6 Manectric50% Breloom20% Jolteon20% Vileplume10%
7 Jolteon40% Breloom30% Manectric20% Vileplume10%
List of Pokémon
Pokémon Type Move 1 Move 2 Move 3 Move 4 Ability
Plusle Electric Thunder Wave Spark Encore - Plus
Minun Electric Thunder Wave Thunderbolt Quick Attack - Minus
Pikachu Electric Thunder Wave Thunderbolt Slam - Static
Electabuzz Electric ThunderPunch Swift Screech - Static
Vileplume GrassPoison Stun Spore Giga Drain Protect - Chlorophyll
Manectric Electric Thunder Wave Thunder Quick Attack - Static/Lightningrod
Breloom GrassFighting Stun Spore Focus Punch Giga Drain Mach Punch Effect Spore
Jolteon Electric Thunder Wave Thunder Pin Missile Quick Attack Volt Absorb


  • A lot of the wild Pokémon inside the Battle Pyramid have moves that can inflict status conditions. A Pokémon like Blissey will not only be able to heal your team with Soft-Boiled, but it will also heal these status conditions with Aromatherapy.
  • Running away from wild battles is not recommended; it will fail most of the time, even if your team is seemingly faster. Keep in mind that this is also true even if your Pokémon have the Run Away ability. Round number 6, "Escape Prevention", is a good example of this point.
  • On the other hand, a Pokémon that knows Teleport will be able to run away from the wild encounter immediately. A fast Pokémon like Alakazam is a good user of this strategy.
  • Try to use PP Up on your team's moves before entering the pyramid.
  • Prepare a specific strategy for each round. The wild Pokémon are very different between rounds, and even if they appear again in a subsequent round, their moves may differ. Strategies that can be reused in multiple rounds are preferred.
  • Even though it may seem scary, Wobbuffet can be easily defeated with a Pokémon that boosts its attacking stats before trying to knock it out, as it will only be able to wait as you prepare yourself. Salamence with Dragon Dance is a good example and team lead for round 6. Keep in mind Destiny Bond before attacking.
  • Picking up items gives you a big advantage. You have limited item slots, so make sure to keep the most essential ones like potions, revival items (regular Revives, Max Revives, or Sacred Ash), Leppa Berries, and any held item your team will use (especially Leftovers, Lum Berry, and Choice Band).
  • Hard-hitting, fast Pokémon like Slaking, Starmie, Salamence, Gengar, Latios, and Flygon work very well in this battle facility. Slaking excels over others most of the time, as battles will be against only one Pokémon. Blissey is an essential addition in most (if not all) rounds. Keep in mind other Pokémon like Swampert, Metagross, Heracross, and Milotic.

    Slaking Starmie Salamence Gengar Latios Flygon Blissey Swampert Metagross Heracross Milotic

  • The Pickup ability uses the same pool of items that can naturally appear on each floor. It can be an extra advantage if used in the right hands.

Extra Info.

This tool is currently in an early version; some errors may appear. They will be fixed when possible.

This tool is not available for mobile devices.