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As they play through the games, trainers may find their PC storage systems filled with Pokémon that they have caught during the adventure. Usually they end up in random spots, unorganised, which can be slightly chaotic. For the more experienced players (or avid shiny hunters), the PC is a place to store their precious collection, or a living dex. Organising these Pokémon can make everything a lot more satisfying, but planning it can also be a tedious task if you’re not simply following the Pokédex numbers.

This tool lets you easily plan your boxes to be used as a guide that can be followed subsequently in the game. Whether it’s a group of shiny Pokémon that you want to organise, divide the boxes by habitat or type, just want to bring out the best out of your collection, share an image of your PC plan with friends, or anything else you come up with, you can do it here.

The boxes are divided into a 6 by 5 grid for a total of 30 spots per box (the same as the games). This lets you store a total of 420 Pokémon. The wallpapers change depending on the game (for example, FireRed and LeafGreen have the “Stars” background, which doesn’t appear in the other games). At the bottom of the page, you can find a small "how to use" section.

Pokémon PC Box Planner

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Choose game
Pokémon icon

How to use.

  • Choose the game you want to use. This will change the available box wallpapers.
  • To add a Pokémon, select it from the list, and then drag and drop the sprite into any of the boxes. To delete a Pokémon, click on it once.
  • Each box has a text input for its name and a list of wallpapers. The name accepts all letters in the English alphabet, numbers from 0 to 9, blank spaces, and the special characters , . ? ! ‘ ’ “ ” … ♀ ♂ / -. The name can't be more than 8 characters long.
  • The “Save as image” button will download the current box plan as a PNG file.

Extra notes.

This tool is currently in an early version; some errors may appear. They will be fixed when possible.

This tool is not available for mobile devices.