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-Old-Gen Shiny hunting manual-

Pokémon Black and White were released in September 2010 in Japan and March 2011 for the rest of the world, marking the beginning of the 5th generation of main games. With the biggest list of new Pokémon, there are a lot of targets to look out for and a new look for old partners from previous generations, thanks to the animated sprites introduced in these games. New mechanics make Shiny hunting as interesting as ever, like hidden abilities, double encounters in most routes, phenomenon, etc.

In 2012, Black 2 and White 2 came out to the world, a sequel to the previous two games, continuing the story a few years after the events of the originals, adding new areas to the Unova region, and even more content for hunting. The Shiny Charm also makes its appearance for the first time.

With a lack of any spinoff games to Shiny hunt in like the previous generations, generation 5 marks the end of the DS times of the main games as well as the end of the 2D sprites and finishes the 1/8192 Shiny hunting era the way it deserves, with some of the best games in the franchise. These are the last games included in the Old-Gen Shiny hunting manual.

Generation 5

Armaldo icon1. Black and White.

Warn Returning mechanics and other important information. Warn
Illuminate and White Flute work the same way as in Generation 3.
Repel trick can be used to modify encounters.
Other out-of-battle effects for abilities like Magnet Pull work as well.

1.1. Dark grass.

This generation introduces a new type of grass in the region: dark grass. Here, higher-level Pokémon will appear, and, most importantly, there’s a chance that a double battle will trigger, in a similar way to the double encounters with an NPC in Sinnoh. The wild Pokémon are selected from a separate list, although they're usually similar to the regular ones.

Dark grass in Autumn
Dark grass in Winter
Dark grass in Spring
Dark grass in Summer
Dark grass colours through the seasons.

The same mechanics as from Generation 4 apply: Poké Balls can only be thrown when there’s one wild Pokémon left.

Rustling grass cannot appear in this type of grass (it will be explained what it is in one of the following sections).

1.2. Phenomenon.

A new mechanic introduced in Generation 5 related to the steps you take has the possibility of triggering one of these Phenomenon in one of the tiles with wild Pokémon (as long as they are on the screen). In other words, if you are running around while there is, for example, a patch of grass nearby that is visible on your screen, there’s a chance for a Phenomenon to occur. But what are Phenomenon exactly?

Phenomenon are special spots that let you find rare Pokémon or items that are not normally found with other methods. They are always indicated by a visual clue (a shaking grass patch, a shadow in the water, etc.) and a sound, which makes them easy to notice. The Pokémon are usually different at each location, although there are some repeating, common ones like Audino (which is also an excellent EXP farm). At least one gym medal is needed in order to unlock these Phenomenon.

They are not limited by time; they will stay there forever as long as you don’t do one of the following things:

  • Starting a battle with a trainer.

  • Picking up an item.

  • Interacting with an NPC.

  • Going away from the area.

  • An NPC stepping over it.

There can’t be more than one Phenomenon on screen, and if you save and turn off the console while one of them is active, it will not be there when you turn it back on. Opening the menu does not make them disappear.

Rustling grass.

When the tall grass shakes by itself, that means that a Pokémon is waiting for you. These spots can only appear in normal tall grass and not in dark grass, as mentioned before, but they do appear in long grass.

The Pokémon that appear in these spots are not usually found through normal encounters. Usually the thing you will see the most is Audino (who doesn’t love an easy EXP farm?) or even Emolga, but sometimes you will find evolved versions of some Pokémon like Mamoswine, or other uncommon ones like the elemental monkeys.

Pokémon Location Game
Shiny Audino Sprite Almost all places with grass Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Beedrill Sprite Route 12 Black Icon
Shiny Butterfree Sprite Route 12 White Icon
Shiny Cinccino Sprite Routes 5, 9, and 16,
and Cold Storage
Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Clefable Sprite Giant Chasm (forest) Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Crobat Sprite Route 13 and Giant Chasm (outside) Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Emolga Sprite Almost all places with grass Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Gliscor Sprite Routes 11 and 15,
and Victory Road
Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Gothitelle Sprite Route 9 Black Icon
Shiny Honchkrow Sprite Abundant Shrine Black Icon
Shiny Leavanny Sprite Route 6 and Pinwheel Forest Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Lilligant Sprite Abundant Shrine, Lostlorn Forest,
and Pinwheel Forest (inside)
White Icon
Shiny Mamoswine Sprite Giant Chasm (forest) Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Metagross Sprite Giant Chasm (forest) Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Mismagius Sprite Abundant Shrine White Icon
Shiny Musharna Sprite Dreamyard Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Ninetales Sprite Abundant Shrine Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Pansage Sprite Shiny Pansear Sprite
Shiny Panspour Sprite
Lostlorn Forest and Pinwheel Forest (inside) Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Reuniclus Sprite Route 9 White Icon
Shiny Sawk Sprite Routes 10, 15 and 18,
and Pinwheel Forest (outside)
White Icon
Shiny Stoutland Sprite Route 10, Cold Storage,
and P2 Laboratory
Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Sunflora Sprite Route 12 Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Tangrowth Sprite Route 13 and Giant Chasm (outside) Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Throh Sprite Routes 10, 15 and 18,
and Pinwheel Forest (outside)
Black Icon
Shiny Tyranitar Sprite Route 15 Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Unfezant Sprite Shiny Unfezant Sprite Route 6, 7, and 12,
Dragonspiral Tower, and Lostlorn Forest
Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Vespiquen Sprite Route 12 Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Whimsicott Sprite Abundant Shrine, Lostlorn Forest,
and Pinwheel Forest (inside)
Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Wigglytuff Sprite Route 14 Black Icon White Icon

Rippling water.

A dark spot may appear sometimes in the water, but this time, it expands the mechanics of the rustling grass. These encounters may be activated by passing on top of them while using Surf or by using the fishing rod on them; this will yield different encounters depending on how you trigger them.

Pokémon Location Game
Shiny Alomomola Sprite Routes 4, 17, and 18,
P2 Laboratory, and Driftveil City
Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Basculin Sprite Shiny Basculin Sprite Almost all places with water tiles. Black Icon(red)
White Icon(blue)
Shiny Buizel Sprite Shiny Floatzel Sprite Routes 11 and 14 Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Corsola Sprite Route 13 and Undella Town Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Jellicent Sprite Shiny Jellicent Sprite Routes 4, 17, and 18,
P2 Laboratory, and Driftveil City
Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Lapras Sprite Village Bridge Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Mantine Sprite Undella Town,
and Undella Bay (winter)
Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Sealeo Sprite Shiny Walrein Sprite Undella Bay (winter) Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Seel Sprite Shiny Dewgong Sprite Giant Chasm Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Seismitoad Sprite Route 8, Icirrus City,
and Moor of Icirrus
Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Slowpoke Sprite Shiny Slowbro Sprite
Shiny Slowking Sprite
Abundant Shrine Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Staryu Sprite Shiny Starmie Sprite Route 13 Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Stunfisk Sprite Route 8, Icirrus City,
and Moor of Icirrus
Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Wailmer Sprite Undella Town and Undella Bay Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Wailord Sprite Undella Bay Black Icon White Icon

Pokémon Location Game
Shiny Barboach Sprite Shiny Whiscash Sprite Route 8, Icirrus City,
and Moor of Icirrus
Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Basculin Sprite Shiny Basculin Sprite Almost all places with water tiles. Black Icon(red)
White Icon(blue)
Shiny Carvanha Sprite Shiny Sharpedo Sprite Village Bridge Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Chinchou Sprite Route 18 and Driftveil City Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Dratini Sprite Shiny Dragonair Sprite
Shiny Dragonite Sprite
Dragonspiral Tower Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Feebas Sprite Shiny Milotic Sprite Route 1 Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Goldeen Sprite Shiny Seaking Sprite Routes 3, 11, and 14,
Striaton City, Pinwheel Forest,
Abundant Shrine, and Lostlorn Forest
Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Kingler Sprite Routes 4 and 13, and Driftveil City Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Lanturn Sprite Driftveil City Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Lumineon Sprite Routes 17 and 18,
and P2 Laboratory
Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Luvdisc Sprite Routes 4 and 13, Driftveil City,
Undella Town, and Undella Bay
Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Octillery Sprite Undella Town and Undella Bay Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Politoed Sprite Route 6 Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Poliwhirl Sprite Route 6, Challenger’s Cave,
Victory Road, Wellspring Cave,
and Giant Chasm
Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Poliwrath Sprite Challenger’s Cave, Victory Road,
Wellspring Cave, and Giant Chasm
Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Qwilfish Sprite Routes 17 and 18,
and P2 Laboratory
Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Relicanth Sprite Route 4 Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Seadra Sprite Shiny Kingdra Sprite Routes 17 and 18,
and P2 Laboratory
Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Shellder Sprite Shiny Cloyster Sprite Route 13, Undella Town,
and Undella Bay
Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Stunfisk Sprite Route 8, Icirrus City,
and Moor of Icirrus
(all on Spring, Summer, and Autumn)
Black Icon White Icon

Dust cloud.

Caves also have their own version of Phenomenon, but this time with an extra twist: there’s a chance to get an item instead of a wild encounter, which, for Shiny hunting, can be a mild annoyance. There’s a 40% chance to find a Pokémon, a 50% chance to find a gem, and a 10% chance to find a stone.

There are not many Pokémon that appear this way, but it’s a worthy one to be hunted.

Pokémon Location
Shiny Drilbur Sprite Chargestone Cave, Mistralton Cave, Wellspring Cave
Shiny Excadrill Sprite Giant Chasm, Challenger’s Cave, Victory Road

Bridge shadow.

Two of the bridges in Unova have their own type of Phenomenon. Just the same way as before, if you walk along these bridges, sometimes a shadow will appear on the floor. When stepping on it, there’s an 80% chance to receive a Wing, and a 20% chance to find a Pokémon. These Wings are items that give one EV point to a stat depending on the type, except one of them, the Pretty Wing, which can only be sold. This split between Wing and wild Pokémon gives a second purpose to these hunts, as a side farm of EV points.

Feather Stat Pokémon Location
Health Wing Sprite
Health Wing
HP Shiny Ducklett Sprite Driftveil Drawbridge
Muscle Wing Sprite
Muscle Wing
Resist Wing Sprite
Resist Wing
Genius Wing Sprite
Genius Wing
Special Attack Shiny Swanna Sprite Marvelous Bridge
Clever Wing Sprite
Clever Wing
Special Defense
Swift Wing Sprite
Swift Wing
Pretty Wing Sprite
Pretty Wing

1.3. Mass outbreaks.

Time-changing won’t be needed this time to get a new outbreak. Instead, you will only need to make sure that the last time you saved was the previous day, and you will be able to reset the game and get a new outbreak each time. The gates between routes will display which one is active. There is a special case where Croagunk won’t be shown on the screens in winter. This is because Route 8’s water puddles are frozen during that season and won’t trigger any wild encounters.

Mass Outbreak Pokémon will only appear on normal grass, so they won’t be able to be found in double battles.

Pokémon Location Game
Shiny Farfetch'd Sprite Route 1 Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Wynaut Sprite Route 2 Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Volbeat Sprite Route 3 Black Icon
Shiny Illumise Sprite Route 3 White Icon
Shiny Hippopotas Sprite Shiny Hippopotas Sprite Route 4 Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Smeargle Sprite Route 5 Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Plusle Sprite Route 6 Black Icon
Shiny Minun Sprite Route 6 White Icon
Shiny Sentret Sprite Route 7 Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Croagunk Sprite Route 8 Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Houndour Sprite Route 9 Black Icon
Shiny Poochyena Sprite Route 9 White Icon
Shiny Tyrogue Sprite Route 10 Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Shroomish Sprite Route 11 Black Icon
Shiny Paras Sprite Route 11 White Icon
Shiny Doduo Sprite Route 12 Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Shuppet Sprite Route 13 Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Yanma Sprite Route 14 Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Mankey Sprite Route 15 Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Pineco Sprite Route 16 Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Exeggcute Sprite Route 18 Black Icon White Icon

1.4. Received and Interactable Pokémon.

Pokémon Level Moves Location Notes
Received Pokémon
Shiny Snivy Sprite 5 Tackle (35)
Leer (30)
Nuvema Town Starter
Shiny Tepig Sprite Tackle (35)
Leer (30)
Shiny Oshawott Sprite Tackle (35)
Leer (30)
Shiny Pansage Sprite 10 Scratch (35)
Leer (30)
Lick (30)
Vine Whip (15)
Dreamyard If you chose Tepig
Shiny Pansear Sprite Scratch (35)
Leer (30)
Lick (30)
Incinerate (15)
If you chose Oshawott
Shiny Panpour Sprite Scratch (35)
Leer (30)
Lick (30)
Water Gun (25)
If you chose Snivy
Shiny Tirtouga Sprite 25 Aqua Jet (20)
AncientPower (5)
Crunch (15)
Wide Guard (10)
Relic Castle Revived in Nacrene City’s museum.
Can only choose one
Shiny Archen Sprite Pluck (20)
AncientPower (5)
Agility (30)
Quick Guard (15)
Shiny Larvesta Sprite Egg Ember (25)
String Shot (40)
Route 18 Given as an egg
Shiny Magikarp Sprite 5 Splash (40) Marvelous Bridge Purchased for 500 PokéDollars
Shiny Omanyte Sprite Water Gun (25)
Rollout (20)
Leer (30)
Mud Shot (15)
Twist Mountain A man gives you a random Fossil
per day after obtaining the
National Pokédex
Shiny Kabuto Sprite Absorb (25)
Leer (30)
Mud Shot (15)
Sand-Attack (15)
Shiny Aerodactyl Sprite Scary Face (10)
Roar (20)
Agility (30)
AcientPower (5)
Shiny Lileep Sprite Constrict (35)
Acid (30)
Ingrain (20)
Confuse Ray (10)
Shiny Anorith Sprite Mud Sport (15)
Water Gun (25)
Metal Claw (35)
Protect (10)
Shiny Cranidos Sprite Pursuit (20)
Take Down (20)
Scary Face (10)
Assurance (10)
Shiny Shieldon Sprite Metal Sound (40)
Take Down (20)
Iron Defense (15)
Swagger (15)
Interactable Pokémon
Shiny Darmanitan Sprite 35 Thrash (10)
Belly Drum (10)
Flare Blitz (15)
Hammer Arm (10)
Desert Resort Needs to be awakened with a Rage Candy Bar.
It has its Hidden Ability, Zen Mode.
Only 5 of them can be found
Shiny Foongus Sprite 20 Bide (10)
Mega Drain (15)
Ingrain (20)
Faint Attack (20)
Route 6 Found as a fake item.
Only 2 in this location
Shiny Foongus Sprite 30 Ingrain (20)
Faint Attack (20)
Sweet Scent (20)
Giga Drain (10)
Route 10 Found as a fake item.
Only 2 in this location
Shiny Amoonguss Sprite 40 Sweet Scent (20)
Giga Drain (10)
Toxic (10)
Synthesis (5)
Route 10 Found as a fake item.
Only 2 in this location
Shiny Musharna Sprite 50 Defense Curl (40)
Lucky Chant (30)
Psybeam (20)
Hypnosis (20)
Dreamyard basement After beating the Pokémon League.
Only on Friday
Shiny Volcarona Sprite 70 Silver Wind (5)
Quiver Dance (20)
Heat Wave (10)
Bug Buzz (10)
Relic Castle In a new area of the Relic Castle,
after obtaining the National Pokédex.
Beware of its power

1.4. Legendaries.

Pokémon Level Moves Location Notes
Shiny Cobalion Sprite 42 Helping Hand (20)
Retaliate (5)
Iron Head (15)
Sacred Sword (20)
Guidance Chamber in Mistralton Cave
Shiny Terrakion Sprite 42 Helping Hand (20)
Retaliate (5)
Rock Slide (10)
Sacred Sword (20)
Trial Chamber in Victory Road Cobalion must be caught first to find it
Shiny Virizion Sprite 42 Helping Hand (20)
Retaliate (5)
Giga Drain (10)
Sacred Sword (20)
Rumination Field in Pinwheel Forest
Shiny Kyurem Sprite 75 Glaciate (10)
Dragon Pulse (10)
Imprison (10)
Endeavor (5)
Giant Chasm Reach the middle of the Giant Chasm
to activate a snowfall and unlock Kyurem's cave
Shiny Tornadus Sprite 40 Revenge (10)
Air Cutter (25)
Extrasensory (30)
Agility (30)
Roaming Unova After obtaining all badges.
Black exclusive.
Shiny Thundurus Sprite 40 Revenge (10)
Shock Wave (20)
Heal Block (15)
Agility (30)
After obtaining all badges.
White exclusive.
Shiny Landorus Sprite 70 Rock Slide (10)
Earthquake (10)
Sandstorm (10)
Fissure (5)
Abundant Shrine on Route 14 Having Tornadus and Thundurus in your team

1.5. Roamers.

Tornadus and Thundurus will be roaming the region, as mentioned previously. To activate them, you will need to have beaten all gyms, then head to the entrance gate to Route 10, where a woman will talk about weird weather conditions on Route 7. When you get there, you will enter a house, and an old woman will tell you about Tornadus’ or Thundurus’ story, depending on your version. After exiting the house, they will be waiting outside but will quickly leave. Now they are actively roaming Unova and will have to be chased down wherever there are extreme weather conditions.

Tornadus encounter
Tornadus appears in Black.
Thundurus encounter
Thundurus appears in White.

There is one thing that makes this hunt different from others, and it’s because of Generation 5’s Pokédex new mechanic where the Shiny form is shown. If you trade a Tornadus or Thundurus to your game before hunting them to have them registered, you will be able to check if they are Shiny or not in their Pokédex entry. This trick saves a lot of time during the hunt, making them the fastest roamers.

The process to hunt them would go as follows:

  1. Progress through the sequence as normal up to the point where the old woman tells the story.

  2. Save in front of the exit of her house (without going outside).

  3. Go outside and see the scene where the roamer flies away.

  4. Check the Pokédex entry and their forms. If the Shiny form isn’t there, reset.

You will only need to repeat steps 3 and 4 for each reset. This is the best roamer hunt for beginners! Make sure to bring something with Mean Look or Shadow Tag so they don’t run away when you decide to catch the Shiny. Moves like False Swipe and Spore will also make your life easier.

Tornadus Pokédex
Tornadus Shiny form (Pokédex).
Thundurus Pokédex
Thundurus Shiny form (Pokédex).

1.6. Huntable Events.

Mystery Gifts.

Although the Pokémon that have always been given through Mystery Gifts were locked to be normal, with the exception of a few that were given in their Shiny form on purpose, there are some that are able to be hunted (with the regular 1 in 8192 odds) in Generation 5.

Pokémon Event Date Card
Shiny Piplup Sprite Pokémon Searcher BW Piplup April 28 to May 6, 2012

ポッチャマ プレゼント

ポケモンの イベントに 来てくれて
おくりものは ポケモンセンターにいる
配達員から 受け取ってね!!

2012 4. 28. - 2012 5. 6.

Shiny Pikachu Sprite Strongest Class Pikachu July 26 to 30, 2013


ポケモンセンターに 来てくれて
おくりものは ゲームの中の
配達員から 受け取ってね!

2013 7. 26 - 2013 7. 30.

Shiny Groudon Sprite Shiny Kyogre Sprite Super Strong Pokémon Present Campaign March 17 to April 15 (Groudon)
April 16 to May 6 (Kyogre)

ちょうきょうりょくポケモン プレゼント!

ポケモンセンターに 来てくれて
おくりものは ゲームの中の
配達員から 受け取ってね!

2012 3. 17 - 2012 4. 15.

ちょうきょうりょくポケモン プレゼント!

ポケモンセンターに 来てくれて
おくりものは ゲームの中の
配達員から 受け取ってね!

2012 4. 16 - 2012 5. 6.

Shiny Sceptile Sprite
Shiny Blaziken Sprite
Shiny Swampert Sprite
Super Strong Pokémon Present Campaign March 17 to April 1, 2012

ちょうきょうりょくポケモン プレゼント!

ポケモンセンターに 来てくれて
おくりものは ゲームの中の
配達員から 受け取ってね!

2012 3. 17 - 2012 4. 1.

ちょうきょうりょくポケモン プレゼント!

ポケモンセンターに 来てくれて
おくりものは ゲームの中の
配達員から 受け取ってね!

2012 3. 17 - 2012 4. 1.

ちょうきょうりょくポケモン プレゼント!

ポケモンセンターに 来てくれて
おくりものは ゲームの中の
配達員から 受け取ってね!

2012 3. 17 - 2012 4. 1.

Shiny Ludicolo Sprite
Shiny Milotic Sprite
Shiny Walrein Sprite
Super Strong Pokémon Present Campaign April 2 to 22, 2012

ちょうきょうりょくポケモン プレゼント!

ポケモンセンターに 来てくれて
おくりものは ゲームの中の
配達員から 受け取ってね!

2012 4. 2 - 2012 4. 22.

ちょうきょうりょくポケモン プレゼント!

ポケモンセンターに 来てくれて
おくりものは ゲームの中の
配達員から 受け取ってね!

2012 4. 2 - 2012 4. 22.

ちょうきょうりょくポケモン プレゼント!

ポケモンセンターに 来てくれて
おくりものは ゲームの中の
配達員から 受け取ってね!

2012 4. 2 - 2012 4. 22.

Shiny Gardevoir Sprite
Shiny Metagross Sprite
Shiny Salamence Sprite
Super Strong Pokémon Present Campaign April 23 to May 6, 2012

ちょうきょうりょくポケモン プレゼント!

ポケモンセンターに 来てくれて
おくりものは ゲームの中の
配達員から 受け取ってね!

2012 4. 23 - 2012 5. 6.

ちょうきょうりょくポケモン プレゼント!

ポケモンセンターに 来てくれて
おくりものは ゲームの中の
配達員から 受け取ってね!

2012 4. 23 - 2012 5. 6.

ちょうきょうりょくポケモン プレゼント!

ポケモンセンターに 来てくれて
おくりものは ゲームの中の
配達員から 受け取ってね!

2012 4. 23 - 2012 5. 6.

These events were only distributed in Japan during specific time frames and locations. The only way to obtain them is through the use of external software and/or modified hardware. To be able to add these events to your cartridge, you will need:

  • A 3DS with custom firmware. You can visit this guide to find out how to do it if you haven’t already.

  • Checkpoint 3DS to make backups of the save file. It can be found here, although the previous guide will make you install it anyway.

  • PKHeX on your computer.

  • The event files. They can be downloaded here.

If you aren’t playing on an official cartridge or have access to your save file, you will only need PKHeX. Follow these steps to obtain the events:

  1. Backing up your save file with Checkpoint: Find the icon of your game in the app and go to “New…”. It will ask if you wish to backup the selected title and prompt you to write a file name. Remove the SD card and connect it to your computer.

  2. There will be a folder named after your game located in 3ds/Checkpoint/saves. This folder will have the save file you just created. Make sure to make a backup of this file on your computer, just in case.

  3. Import the save file in PKHeX. After the file is loaded, go to the “SAV” tab and click the “Mystery Gift” button. A new window will appear with your Mystery Gift card slots. Click “Import” and select the event file. The event information will appear at the top, so you will only need to right-click > “Set” in one of the slots to add the card. As a side note, you can add this event five times if you want to maximise the number of Pokémon you check per reset.

  4. In PKHeX, go to “File” > “Export SAV…” > “Export Main”. Save the modified save file on the SD card (you can also overwrite the old copy if you have made a backup on your PC previously).

  5. Insert the SD card back into the 3DS. Open Checkpoint and find the icon of your game once again. There, you will see a list of your save files. Select the one you modified in PKHeX and press restore. This process will take a few seconds. After it’s done, you can close Checkpoint.

To make sure that it worked, you can check the Mystery Gift menu in the title screen and “Check the card album”, where your new event will be waiting for you. After that, in any Pokémon Center you will find the delivery man (wearing a blue cap), who will give you the Pokémon. The hunting process goes as follows:

  1. Obtain the Pokémon from the man.

  2. Check if RNG has blessed you with a shiny.

  3. Reset the game and go back to step 1.

Secret Egg and Kanto stickers.

Secret egg event

Aside from Wi-Fi distribution, some events were also given through local downloads or by connecting with a staff member’s console. The staff was given a special cartridge specifically made for Pokémon distributions and were supposed to be sent back to Nintendo after the event dates, but, good news for us, some people kept said cartridges, which eventually led to their data being dumped online.

This time we can focus on the Secret Egg Distribution event cartridge. This event was held in the United States from April 27 to May 31 (2011) at some Toys “R” Us stores. These eggs are given randomly, and they hatch into three Pokémon based on the Black and White anime protagonists’ companions: Pidove (Ash), Pansage (Cilan), or Axew (Iris). The thing that makes these eggs special is that, just like Manaphy in Generation 4, they have a chance to be shiny when they are traded to other games. The difference this time is that the Pokémon will be able to be seen in their Shiny colours during the hatching sequence.

Purchasing one of these cartridges online can be very expensive, so there are workarounds with external software, just like in the previous section.

  1. The event ROM can be found and downloaded here. This file can be saved to a flashcard with a second DS to act as the event distribution.

  2. The DS that will distribute the event needs to have its date changed to any day between the two dates stated above (April 27 and May 31, 2011).

  3. On the receiving DS, you can obtain the event by going to the Mystery Gift menu, then Receive Gift.

The process of hunting these eggs can be done similarly to the Manaphy egg from the previous generation.

Shiny Pidove Sprite Shiny Pansage Sprite Shiny Axew Sprite

Aside from the three previously mentioned event eggs, there are three others that were only distributed locally in Japan. In order to obtain the eggs, you needed to show the staff certain stickers you would receive when buying merchandise of the three Kanto starters and Pikachu. The distribution started on September 1, 2012, but the stickers could be obtained before that. These eggs work the same way and can be hunted following the same process, but this time the Pokémon are a bit more special: all three have at least one stat at 31 IVs and some special moves.

Sticker Promotional Kanto starters eggs
The stickers needed for the event.
Sticker Promotional Kanto starters eggs
You would stick them to the promo sheet.
Sticker Promotional Kanto starters eggs
And receive an egg in a store!

If you were looking for a more unconventional way to hunt the Kanto starters, this is the perfect option if you're up for the challenge! You can find the Wonder Card Mstery Gift files needed for each egg at the links in the table below.

Shiny Bulbasaur Sprite Shiny Charmander Sprite Shiny Squirtle Sprite
Ability Overgrow Blaze Torrent
IV at 31 Defense Speed HP
Moves False Swipe
Frenzy Plant
Weather Ball
False Swipe
Blast Burn
False Swipe
Hydro Cannon
Follow Me
Wonder Card Bulbasaur Charmander Squirtle

1.6. White Forest and Black City.

White Forest and Black City

These two locations are the first of the series to be edition exclusive, with the White Forest being in White, and the Black City in Black. They can only be accessed after beating the game.

For Shiny hunting, the White Forest is the place we will focus on. Only the White Forest has wild encounters. But this does not mean that we will completely forget about the Black City, as it can still be useful, depending on the games that you have. Keep in mind that in order to have complete access to all the mechanics in these places, you will need at least two DS and two games (at least one of them being White).

So what is so special about these locations? Trainers will visit these areas and stay for a few days. Depending on the trainers, you will get different bonuses. In the Black City, they will add new items to the market. On the other hand, in the White Forest, new Pokémon will appear in the wild. This is the main reason why the forest is preferred, or you wouldn’t be able to Shiny hunt at all.

At the beginning of the game, when the save is created, 13 trainers will be chosen randomly from a list of 30. These trainers will be separated into two groups: 10 of them will go to the overwolrd (the White Forest or the Black City), and the other 3 will go to a place called “Entralink”.

The “active” trainers will appear in your White Forest or Black City, can be interacted with, and will make new Pokémon or items appear. These NPCs have a certain amount of happiness. This stat is invisible and will increase or decrease depending on your actions.

Action Happiness modifier
Entering the area +3
Battling the NPC (Black City) +7
Talking to the NPC (White Forest) +10
A day passes -5

What happens if an NPC loses enough happiness? They leave the area, but they don’t disappear completely; instead, they go to the Entralink. This is where the multiplayer aspect comes into play. But before diving into it, it’s important to mention that you can only have a maximum of 10 NPCs for each place, for a total of 20. If your Entralink is full, your trainers in the overworld will not lose any amount of happiness.

In order to get new NPCs, you will need to invite them from another player’s game’s Entralink. In this place, you will be able to see and talk to these trainers, who will ask you to visit your White Forest or Black City. This will move the NPC from that player’s Entralink to your White Forest or Black City. This will not mess with the original trainer’s game, as this is the intended purpose of the NPCs that end up in the Entralink.

Pokémon and NPC list.

NPC Spanish Italian French German Japanese Korean Grass Water Happiness
Ace Trainer Sprite
Ace Trainer
Malena Betta Rena Jekaterina レナ 레나 Shiny Ralts Sprite
Shiny Wooper Sprite
20 80
Ace Trainer Sprite
Ace Trainer
Vito Eric Calvin Joe ジュンイチ 순호 Shiny Magby Sprite
Shiny Corphish Sprite
30 70
Backpacker Sprite
Giuseppe Carlos Carlos Fernando カルロス 카를로스 Shiny Starly Sprite
Shiny Corphish Sprite
70 30
Backpacker Sprite
Elisa Lara Gabrielle Nanette エミ 혜미 Shiny Happiny Sprite
Shiny Corphish Sprite
30 70
Backpacker Sprite
Don Uto Fabio Shoya ヒロアキ 홍명 Shiny Porygon Sprite
Shiny Wooper Sprite
80 20
Backpacker Sprite
Sarah Felicita Aurélia Anke ヒロミ 로미 Shiny Azurill Sprite
Shiny Lotad Sprite
20 80
Battle Girl Sprite
Battle Girl
Iraís Kelly Karin Mira カレン 카렌 Shiny Slakoth Sprite
Shiny Lotad Sprite
30 70
Black Belt Sprite
Black Belt
Pascual Maurizio Takuma Yu タクマ 대웅 Shiny Machop Sprite
Shiny Lotad Sprite
70 30
Clerk Sprite
Cira Tullia Aurora Andrea サトコ 서연 Shiny Hoppip Sprite
Shiny Surskit Sprite
30 70
Clerk Sprite
Tristán Mimmo Sergei Ottmar ヒロノリ 유식 Shiny Abra Sprite
Shiny Lotad Sprite
30 70
Clerk Sprite
Jerry Billy Gildas Alejandro トモタカ 효유 Shiny Shinx Sprite
Shiny Lotad Sprite
70 30
Clerk Sprite
Esther Iumi Enola Cara ユミコ 유민 Shiny Bellsprout Sprite
Shiny Lotad Sprite
70 30
Gentleman Sprite
Cirilo Zaro Nico Herbert ツネカズ 석원 Shiny Budew Sprite
Shiny Wooper Sprite
30 20
Hiker Sprite
Loeb Costantino Kévin Elias ガクト 학도 Shiny Aron Sprite
Shiny Surskit Sprite
30 70
Lady Sprite
Romina Eduarda Aristée Iphigenie シオリ 민서 Shiny Oddish Sprite
Shiny Surskit Sprite
70 30
Lass Sprite
Carme Antonietta Valentine Frieda ミキ 미키 Shiny Togepi Sprite
Shiny Surskit Sprite
30 70
Nursery Aide Sprite
Nursery Aide
Lola Eva Dorothée Moya ミホ 미호 Shiny Seedot Sprite
Shiny Surskit Sprite
70 30
Pokémon Ranger Sprite
Pokémon Ranger
Dorita Claudia Solange Gordana エリザ 엘리자 Shiny Trapinch Sprite
Shiny Lotad Sprite
70 30
Pokémon Ranger Sprite
Pokémon Ranger
Melas Peppe Quentin Arnold ソウスケ 조현 Shiny Lotad Sprite
Shiny Surskit Sprite
30 70
Rich Boy Sprite
Rich Boy
Alonso Ulrico Daniel Thomas ヒトシ 다인 Shiny Mareep Sprite
Shiny Surskit Sprite
30 70
Roughneck Sprite
Honorio Muzio Loïc Selim タクロウ 세형 Shiny Gastly Sprite
Shiny Surskit Sprite
70 30
Schoolkid Sprite
Pietro Pierino Nestor Manfred シュウサク 채수 Shiny Pidgey Sprite
Shiny Surskit Sprite
70 30
Schoolkid Sprite
Olao Ugo James Goro トシノブ 준재 Shiny Rhyhorn Sprite
Shiny Surskit Sprite
30 70
Schoolkid Sprite
Azucena Elsa Cerise Sybille ヒロコ 고현 Shiny Wurmple Sprite
Shiny Surskit Sprite
30 70
Scientist Sprite
Rober Galileo Luc Dwain サトル 지관 Shiny Nidoran Female Sprite
Shiny Lotad Sprite
30 70
Scientist Sprite
Sole Gigliola Noémie Swetlana カズホ 이삭 Shiny Magnemite Sprite
Shiny Lotad Sprite
70 30
Socialite Sprite
Pitu Morgana Grace Hildegard グレース 그레이스 Shiny Bagon Sprite
Shiny Wooper Sprite
20 30
Veteran Sprite
Ken Nico Gurvan Gerd ケン Shiny Nidoran Male Sprite
Shiny Corphish Sprite
70 30
Veteran Sprite
Lila Rosy Rosa Kajsa ローザ 로자 Shiny Whismur Sprite
Shiny Lotad Sprite
80 20
Youngster Sprite
Max Piero Kamel Berno マサオ 제민 Shiny Elekid Sprite
Shiny Surskit Sprite
80 20

Make NPCs leave.

Sometimes your White Forest will end up having NPCs you may not be too fond of anymore and will want to make them go away while keeping others. In order to do so, you must follow these steps:

  1. (Skip this step if you want to remove all NPCs) – Talk to the trainer(s) that you want to maintain in the forest, so their happiness goes up 10 points.

  1. Exit the White Forest, stay outside the gate to the forest on Route 14 or 15, and save.

  1. Close the game and open the DS settings. Set the time to 23:59 and open the game again.

  1. Wait for the clock to go from 23:59 to a few minutes into the new day. You can check this in the C-Gear.

  1. Enter the gate, then exit back onto one of the routes. This will decrease the happiness of all NPCs by 5.

Repeat the process until the undesired NPCs leave the area. If there are any of them you may want to keep, it’s very important that you talk to them every time so their happiness doesn’t go down, as there is no way of knowing the current happiness of each of them.

Get new NPCs.

If your White Forest has no trainers or the ones that you want, you will need to search for them. In order to reset the NPCs as quickly as possible and get new ones, you will need:

  • One DS with the White cartridge you want to get the NPCs in for hunting purposes. It obviously needs to have a save file where you have access to the White Forest.

  • A second DS with a Black cartridge. You will have to reset the save file in order to find new NPCs, so it’s better to use one with no important save data.

If your save file is old, there’s a chance that your Entralink may already be full, and you will have a chance to find your desired NPC among the ones located there.

  1. Set the characters in both games in Nimbasa City with the C-Gear turned on. Here, in White, go to “Wireless” in the C-Gear menu, then “Entralink”.

  2. Inside the Entralink, head west and stand on the bridge until a dialogue box says you are connected to the Black game’s world.

  3. You cross the bridge and go to the other game’s Entree. Here, you will be able to teleport to the Black City. If you have never accessed the Entralink before, you will need to accept a mission first, and then you will be able to warp.

  4. Walk around the Black City to see if your desired NPC is there. Their name will appear when you speak to them. Invite them to your White Forest if they’re there.

If you haven’t found the NPC you want, you will have to reset the save file on Pokémon Black (the White game stays as is) and play up to Nimbasa City, where you will be granted access to the Entralink functions for the first time. This will generate new trainers in Black to check. Repeat the previous steps. White and Black are used to keep it simple, but two White cartridges can work for the same purpose (you don't need one of each version).

Armaldo icon2. Black 2 and White 2.

Warn Returning mechanics and other important information. Warn
Dark grass makes an appearance once again in the region.
Phenomenon work the same way as the previous games, with a new mechanic.

2.1. Double encounters.

Aside from the usual chance for two encounters at the same time in Dark Grass, there are some portions of the game where you will travel with a partner trainer, the same thing that happened multiple times in Sinnoh. In this case, there are a total of two trainers that will join you. Keep in mind that they can accidentally kill the Shiny Pokémon, just like in Generation 4.

What’s the best part about these? The double encounters also work for Phenomenon. This makes the hunts much easier in these locations for rare Pokémon like Excadrill, Scolipede, Slaking, etc.

Location NPC Pokémon owned Notes
Reversal Mountain  Sprite  Sprite  Sprite
Mandatory in order to continue the story
Pinwheel Forest  Sprite  Sprite  Sprite
Post-game. Mandatory if you want
to cross the Pinwheel Forest.

2.2. Phenomenon and Pass Powers.

Entralink changes.

If you have read the section about the White Fores from Black and White, you should already be familiar with the existence of the Entralink. This location has been updated and no longer lets players visit other games' worlds, and the Entralink Missions have been replaced with Funfest Missions. Pass Powers can be obtained with Pass Orbs, which are rewarded after finishing these Funfest Missions. These mechanics are worth mentioning now, as they may help you during your hunts.

Pass Powers and Funfest Missions.

Pass Powers make a comeback in these games, but with an expanded amount of types, which are the ones that make this whole process worth it, unlike the original Black and White. First, let’s talk about what a Pass Power is, as it hasn’t been mentioned before: they are special bonuses that can be activated and shared in the C-Gear within a limited timeframe (unless they are instant effects like HP recovery). These bonuses can be, for example, increased EXP during battles, more money after battles, a higher chance for wild encounters, etc. The effects have three levels, which may vary from increasing (represented by the symbols ↑, ↑↑, and ↑↑↑) or decreasing (similarly to the previous one; ↓, ↓↓, and ↓↓↓). There are extra S and Max categories that function just as the ↑↑↑ ones, but with a longer timer (10 minutes instead of 3).

In order to unlock these effects, you will need to level up your Entree. The Entree is divided into two categories: Black and White. They are independent of each other, and some Pass Powers may ask for one or both of them to be developed to a certain point. The way you can increase this level will be explained later on. After reaching the required levels, you can purchase Pass Powers with Pass Orbs, items exclusive to the Entralink that work as currency. They can be obtained through the Funfest Missions, the main thing you will be doing in order to progress with this content, but first, let’s introduce the new Pass Powers added in Black 2 and White 2 and why they may convince you that this is all worth the effort:

Pass Power Effect Entree level Pass Orbs
Exploring Power ↑ Increases the chance of finding rustling
grass and dust clouds a little.
After tutorial mission 5
Exploring Power ↑↑ Increases the chance of finding rustling
grass and dust clouds.
White levelLevel 5 10
Exploring Power ↑↑↑ Increases the chance of finding rustling
grass and dust clouds a lot.
Black levelLevel 15
White levelLevel 15
Exploring Power S Increases the chance of finding rustling
grass and dust clouds a lot
(10 minutes).
White levelLevel 100 50
Grotto Power ↑ Increases the chance of encountering
Pokémon in Hidden Grottoes a little.
Black levelLevel 10
White levelLevel 10
Grotto Power ↑↑ Increases the chance of encountering
Pokémon in Hidden Grottoes.
Black levelLevel 20
White levelLevel 20
Grotto Power ↑↑↑ Increases the chance of encountering
Pokémon in Hidden Grottoes a lot.
Black levelLevel 30
White levelLevel 30
Grotto Power S Increases the chance of encountering
Pokémon in Hidden Grottoes a lot
(10 minutes).
Black levelLevel 50
White levelLevel 50
Lucky Power ↑ Increases the chance of encountering
uncommon Pokémon slightly.
Black levelLevel 7
White levelLevel 7
Lucky Power ↑↑ Increases the chance of encountering
uncommon Pokémon a little.
Black levelLevel 21
White levelLevel 21
Lucky Power ↑↑↑ Increases the chance of encountering
uncommon Pokémon.
Shiny chance increased to 1/4096
(1/2048 with Shiny Charm)
Black levelLevel 49
White levelLevel 49
Lucky Power S Increases the chance of encountering
uncommon Pokémon (10 minutes).
Shiny chance increased to 1/4096
(1/2048 with Shiny Charm)
Black levelLevel 100 50

As you can see, using these bonuses can highly improve some of your hunts, and they also make Phenomenon hunts not that big of a hassle. Breeding Shiny Pokémon with hidden abilities is also more accessible, giving you a higher chance of finding the parent in Hidden Grottoes. Whether you want to go to the highest level or not is up to you, depending on whether those 10 minutes are worth it. For Lucky Power, it is recommended to not surpass level ↑↑ for people who want to keep the odds as pure as possible.

Now comes the big question: how do these Funfest Missions work, and how do you obtain Pass Orbs? It’s very simple: first, you will need to teleport to your Entralink through the C-Gear (Wireless → Entralink). If it’s the first time you’re here, an old man will tell you about the place you are in and will prompt you to do your first mission by interacting with the Entree. You will have to find some berries around the region. After you’re done, you can teleport back to the Entralink, and the man will talk about Pass Powers and how to select them (you can have up to three at the same time in your C-Gear). From this point on, you will have the low-level missions available, as well as the default Pass Powers.

Funfest Missions give your Entree experience points that will be used to level up. The colour that receives these points is determined by the Funfest Mission’s host game version. If you’re playing alone, it will always increase the level of your version (black level for Black 2, and white level for White 2).

As for Pass Orbs, each mission will have a base amount as a reward, depending on the level of the mission, after beating the target score. Obtaining more score than required will increase the quantity of orbs. The formula used to calculate the final amount is as follows:

(Total score × Mission level) / 3

The result is rounded down and capped at 99. There’s some type of mission that ends as soon as the target is met. The formula for them is:

Personal score + ((Seconds remaining × Mission level) / 45)

But for this guide, the only mission you will have to do uses the first formula, and we will only focus on that one. If you are interested in doing other quests, you can check out the full list here. One of the best quests to do is “Find lost items!” and it will net you a decent amount of Pass Orbs. To unlock the mission, you must beat “Collect Berries!” once first. As for the experience points, both Black and White use the same levelling system:

Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+
EXP req. 5 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 50

Having both versions and 2 DS will be enough for farming levels and unlocking everything. During the “Find lost items!” mission, all items will appear in the same spot for all players, so it won’t be too difficult to go through them in both games as a solo player. In order to have other games join the host, you will need to follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Entralink in the host game and select a Funfest Mission. Leave it there.

  2. In the other game, turn on the C-Gear and touch the square in the middle. This will open the nearby list of players, where the host game should appear.

    Funfest nearby 1
    White 2 seeing the Black 2 player.
    Funfest nearby 2
    Black 2 seeing the White 2 player.

  3. Start the Funfest Mission in the host game. The guest game should see a message appearing about the mission starting, asking if you want to join.

    Funfest join
    Joining a Funfest Mission.

  4. Both games should be on the same mission now.

It is highly recommended to use Exploring or Lucky powers while doing a Phenomenon hunt, not just for convenience but to have a higher chance to find the target and not phasing as much.

Rustling grass.

Pokémon Location Game
Shiny Audino Sprite Almost all places with grass. Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Azumarill Sprite Routes 6, 11, and 12,
Village Bridge, and Abundant Shrine
Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Castform Sprite Route 6 Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Cinccino Sprite Routes 5, 9, and 16 Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Clefable Sprite Giant Chasm (forest) Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Crobat Sprite Dreamyard Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Delcatty Sprite Castelia Park Black Icon
Shiny Dunsparce Sprite Routes 1, 2, 6, 12, 18, and 20,
Dreamyard, Village Bridge,
Victory Road, and Floccesy Ranch
Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Emolga Sprite Routes 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12,
13, 14, 15, and 16,
Dragonspiral Tower, and Abundant Shrine
Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Gliscor Sprite Routes 11, 15, and 23,
and Victory Road
Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Gothitelle Sprite Route 9 Black Icon
Shiny Klinklang Sprite P2 Laboratory Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Leavanny Sprite Routes 6 and 12,
and Pinwheel Forest
Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Lickilicky Sprite Route 2 Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Lilligant Sprite Abundant Shrine, Castelia City,
Lostlorn Forest, Pinwheel Forest (inside),
and Victory Road
White Icon
Shiny Lopunny Sprite Castelia Park Black Icon
Shiny Magnezone Sprite P2 Laboratory Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Mamoswine Sprite Giant Chasm (forest) Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Metagross Sprite Giant Chasm (forest) Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Musharna Sprite Dreamyard Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Ninetales Sprite Abundant Shrine Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Pansage Sprite Shiny Pansear Sprite Shiny Panpour Sprite Lostlorn Forest and Pinhweel Forest (inside) Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Patrat Sprite Route 19 Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Reuniclus Sprite Route 9 White Icon
Shiny Roserade Sprite Route 12, Lostlorn Forest, and Victory Road Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Sawk Sprite Routes 15, 18, and 23,
Pinwheel Forest (outside), and Victory Road
White Icon
Shiny Scolipede Sprite Pinwheel Forest (inside) Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Seismitoad Sprite Pinwheel Forest (outside) Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Shiftry Sprite Nature Preserve Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Slaking Sprite Pinwheel Forest (inside) Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Stoutland Sprite Routes 1, 2, and 3,
and P2 Laboratory
Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Tangrowth Sprite Routes 13 and Giant Chasm Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Throh Sprite Routes 15, 18, and 23,
Pinwheel Forest (outside), and Victory Road
Black Icon
Shiny Tyranitar Sprite Route 15 Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Unfezant Sprite Shiny Unfezant Sprite Routes 3, 6, 7, and 12,
and Dragonspiral Tower
Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Vanilluxe Sprite Dragonspiral Tower and Giant Chasm Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Vespiquen Sprite Lostlorn Forest and Route 12 Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Whimsicott Sprite Castelia Park, Pinwheel Forest (inside),
Abundant Shrine, Lostlorn Forest,
and Victory Road
Black Icon
Shiny Wigglytuff Sprite Routes 1 and 2, and Dreamyard Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Yanmega Sprite Route 3, Pinwheel Forest (outside) Black Icon White Icon

Rippling water.

Pokémon Location Game
Shiny Alomomola Sprite Routes 4, 17, and 18,
P2 Laboratory, Birbank City,
and Birbank Complex
Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Basculin Sprite Shiny Basculin Sprite Almost all places with water tiles. Black Icon(Red)
White Icon(Blue)
Shiny Buizel Sprite Shiny Floatzel Sprite Routes 11, 14, and 23,
Lostlorn Forest, Victory Road,
and Nature Preserve
Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Corphish Sprite Route 3 Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Corsola Sprite Humilau City Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Crawdaunt Sprite Route 3 and Striaton City Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Grimer Sprite Shiny Muk Sprite Castelia Sewers Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Jellicent Sprite Shiny Jellicent Sprite Routes 4, 13, 17, 18, and 21,
Seaside Cave, P2 Laboratory,
Undella Bay, and Humilau City
Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Lapras Sprite Village Bridge Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Mantine Sprite Route 21 and
Undella Bay (Spring, Summer, and Autumn)
Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Marill Sprite Shiny Azumarill Sprite Routes 6, 20, and 22,
Floccesy Ranch, Village Bridge,
Abundant Shrine, Pinwheel Forest,
Relic Passage, and Victory Road
Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Palpitoad Sprite Route 8 Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Sealeo Sprite Shiny Walrein Sprite Undella Bay (Winter) Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Seel Sprite Shiny Dewgong Sprite Seaside Cave and Giant Chasm Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Seismitoad Sprite Route 8, Icirrus City,
and Moor of Icirrus
Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Starmie Sprite Route 13, Undella Town,
and Humilau City
Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Staryu Sprite Route 13 and Undella Town Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Stunfisk Sprite Route 8, Icirrus City,
and Moor of Icirrus
Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Wailmer Sprite Shiny Wailord Sprite Undella Bay Black Icon White Icon

Pokémon Location Game
Shiny Barboach Sprite Shiny Whiscash Sprite Route 8, Icirrus City,
and Moor of Icirrus
Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Basculin Sprite Shiny Basculin Sprite Almost all places with water tiles Black Icon(Red)
White Icon(Blue)
Shiny Carvanha Sprite Shiny Sharpedo Sprite Village Bridge Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Chinchou Sprite Shiny Lanturn Sprite Undella Bay Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Dratini Sprite Shiny Dragonair Sprite Shiny Dragonite Sprite Dragonspiral Tower Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Feebas Sprite Shiny Milotic Sprite Route 1 Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Goldeen Sprite Shiny Seaking Sprite Routes 3, 11, and 14,
Aspertia City, Striaton City,
Pinwheel Forest, and Abundant Shrine
Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Gorebyss Sprite Route 4 Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Grimer Sprite Shiny Muk Sprite Castelia Sewers Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Horsea Sprite Shiny Seadra Sprite Shiny Kingdra Sprite Routes 17 and 18,
P2 Laboratory
Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Huntail Sprite Route 4 Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Krabby Sprite Shiny Kingler Sprite Birbank City and Birbank Complex Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Lumineon Sprite Routes 4, 17, and 18,
P2 Laboratory, Birbank City,
and Birbank Complex
Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Luvdisc Sprite Routes 13 and 21,
Humilau City, Undella Town,
and Seaside Cave
Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Magikarp Sprite Shiny Gyarados Sprite Nature Preserve Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Octillery Sprite Route 21 and Undella Town Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Politoed Sprite Routes 6, 19, and 20,
Floccesy Ranch, Lostlorn Forest,
and Victory Road
Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Poliwhirl Sprite Routes 6, 19, 20, and 23,
Wellspring Cave, Giant Chasm,
Lostlorn Forest, Floccesy Ranch,
Relic Passage, Clay Tunnel,
and Victory Road
Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Poliwrath Sprite Route 23, Wellspring Cave,
Giant Chasm, Relic Passage,
Clay Tunnel, and Victory Road
Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Qwilfish Sprite Route 4, P2 Laboratory,
Birbank City, and Birbank Complex
Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Relicanth Sprite Route 4 Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Remoraid Sprite Route 21 and Undella Town Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Shellder Sprite Shiny Cloyster Sprite Route 13, Undella Town,
Humilau City, and Seaside Cave
Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Stunfisk Sprite Route 8, Icirrus City,
and Moor of Icirrus
Black Icon White Icon

Dust cloud.

Pokémon Location Game
Shiny Drilbur Sprite Relic Passage, Mistralton Cave,
Chargestone Cave, and Guidance Chamber
Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Excadrill Sprite Victory Road, Giant Chasm,
Clay Tunnel, Twist Mountain,
Reversal Mountain, Wellspring Cave,
Seaside Cave, and Underground Ruins
Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Onix Sprite Relic Passage, Victory Road,
Twist Mountain, Clay Tunnel,
and Underground Ruins
Black Icon White Icon
Shiny Steelix Sprite Twist Mountain, Clay Tunnel,
and Underground Ruins
Black Icon White Icon

Bridge shadow.

Feather Stat Pokémon Location
Health Wing Sprite
Health Wing
HP Shiny Ducklett Sprite Driftveil Drawbridge
Muscle Wing Sprite
Muscle Wing
Resist Wing Sprite
Resist Wing
Genius Wing Sprite
Genius Wing
Special Attack Shiny Swanna Sprite Marvelous Bridge
Clever Wing Sprite
Clever Wing
Special Defense
Swift Wing Sprite
Swift Wing
Pretty Wing Sprite
Pretty Wing

2.3. Nature Preserve.

The Nature Preserve is a hidden location in Unova, not usually accessed by many players. In fact, it is so secret that it doesn’t even appear on the map; it appears to be far away from the Unova region. The fact that you can’t reach it through normal means, crossing routes like any other relevant area, is what makes it interesting. To be able to find it, you will need to follow these steps:

  1. See all 297 Pokémon from the Unova Pokédex (except Victini, Keldeo, Meloetta, and Genesect).

  2. Go to Nuvema Town and talk to Professor Juniper in her laboratory. She will give you the “Permit”, the item needed to go to the Nature Preserve.

  3. Show the Permit to the staff of Mistralton City’s airport. Skyla will take you to the Nature Preserve on a plane.

There are a few Pokémon in this area that do not appear in the rest of the game, both in the water and grass. But there is an extra reward for the task previously completed: there is a special Shiny Haxorus overworld encounter, just like the red Gyarados from back in Johto, but with a lot more work put into it to obtain. Be careful with its Guillotine while catching it; make sure to bring a ghost-type Pokémon higher than level 60 or with the Sturdy ability.

Shiny Haxorus

Shiny Haxorus Sprite


Ability: Rivalry / Mold Breaker

Item: None

Level: 60



Dragon Pulse

Swords Dance


As for wild Pokémon, there is both normal and dark grass. These are all the Pokémon found in this area:

Grass Rustling grass
Shiny Nuzleaf Sprite Shiny Altaria Sprite Shiny Girafarig Sprite
Shiny Golduck Sprite Shiny Noctowl Sprite Shiny Fraxure Sprite
Shiny Kecleon Sprite
Shiny Shiftry Sprite Shiny Dunsparce Sprite Shiny Audino Sprite
Water Rippling water
Shiny Buizel Sprite Shiny Basculin Sprite Shiny Basculin Sprite Shiny Buizel Sprite Shiny Floatzel Sprite Shiny Basculin Sprite
Shiny Basculin Sprite
Fishing Fishing on Rippling water
Shiny Magikarp Sprite Shiny Basculin Sprite Shiny Basculin Sprite Shiny Magikarp Sprite Shiny Gyarados Sprite Shiny Basculin Sprite
Shiny Basculin Sprite

Magikarp and Gyarados.

In the water, there are two very rare encounters: a 1% Magikarp (fishing normally) and a 1% Gyarados (fishing in Rippling water). But the special thing about them is the fact that they can appear from level 1 to level 100. That means that there’s a 1% chance to find one of them that then has another 1% chance of being level 100 (or any other number you may like). It’s a game of stacking small probabilities on top of each other. If you hate yourself enough and are up to the task of finding the rare level 100 Shiny Gyarados, be my guest.

2.4. Key system.

A new system was introduced in these games, with the objective of trading keys that unlock extra features. This new content includes different difficulties, the ability to swap between the White Forest and Black City, but most importantly, finding all of the Regis. Some of these keys are naturally obtained after beating the game, but a few of them require trading.

You will have Regirock’s key since the beginning of the game, but it won’t be useful until after beating the game, when you get access to the Clay Tunnel, where Regirock can be found. The Underground Ruins will be at the end of this cave; you will find a big door standing closed in front of you. In order to open it, one of the keys must be active, and while standing in the middle of the circle drawn on the floor, you will take 6 steps down and 9 steps right, then press A. This will activate a button that opens the way into the corresponding chamber. The Rock Peak Chamber can be accessed while the Rock Peak Key is active; the Iceberg Chamber needs the Iceberg Key (obtainable in White 2 after caching Regirock; only by trade in Black 2); and the Iron Chamber will open with the Iron Key (obtainable in Black 2 after caching Regirock; only by trade in White 2).

After catching all three and putting them in your party, the last room that will open will be located inside Twist Mountain. Here, find the room with a frozen stone. It will have a new entrance, which will take you to Regigigas’ chamber.

Both versions Black 2 - Iron Key Having all three
Shiny Regirock Sprite Shiny Registeel Sprite Shiny Regigigas Sprite
White 2 - Iceberg Key
Shiny Regice Sprite

2.5. Received and Interactable Pokémon.

Pokémon Level Moves Location Moves
Shiny Snivy Sprite 5 Tackle (35)
Leer (30)
Aspertia City Starter
Shiny Tepig Sprite Tackle (35)
Leer (30)
Shiny Oshawott Sprite Tackle (35)
Leer (30)
Shiny Happiny Sprite Egg Pound (35)
Charm (20)
Gate between Nacrene City and Route 3 Given by a Pokémon Breeder
Shiny Magikarp Sprite 5 Splash (40) Marvelous Bridge Purchased for 500 PokéDollars
Shiny Omanyte Sprite Water Gun (25)
Rollout (20)
Leer (30)
Mud Shot (15)
Twist Mountain A man gives you a random Fossil
per day after obtaining the
National Pokédex
Shiny Kabuto Sprite Absorb (25)
Leer (30)
Mud Shot (15)
Sand-Attack (15)
Shiny Aerodactyl Sprite Scary Face (10)
Roar (20)
Agility (30)
AcientPower (5)
Shiny Lileep Sprite Constrict (35)
Acid (30)
Ingrain (20)
Confuse Ray (10)
Shiny Anorith Sprite Mud Sport (15)
Water Gun (25)
Metal Claw (35)
Protect (10)
Shiny Cranidos Sprite Pursuit (20)
Take Down (20)
Scary Face (10)
Assurance (10)
Shiny Shieldon Sprite Metal Sound (40)
Take Down (20)
Iron Defense (15)
Swagger (15)
Shiny Tirtouga Sprite 25 Aqua Jet (20)
AncientPower (5)
Crunch (15)
Wide Guard (10)
Nacrene City’s museum Lenora gives you the choice
between Cover and Plume fossils
Shiny Archen Sprite Pluck (20)
AncientPower (5)
Agility (30)
Quick Guard (15)
Interactable Pokémon
Shiny Mandibuzz Sprite 25 Pluck (20)
Nasty Plot (20)
Flatter (15)
Faint Attack (20)
Route 4 Appears on Thursdays.
Only in Black 2.
Has its hidden ability
Shiny Braviary Sprite Wing Attack (35)
Hone Claws (15)
Scary Face (10)
Aerial Ace (20)
Appears on Mondays.
Only in White 2.
Has its hidden ability
Shiny Foongus Sprite 29 Ingrain (20)
Faint Attack (20)
Sweet Scent (20)
Giga Drain (10)
Route 6 Found as a fake item.
Only 2 in this location
Shiny Foongus Sprite 36 Sweet Scent (20)
Giga Drain (10)
Toxic (10)
Synthesis (5)
Route 7 Found as a fake item.
Only 3 in this location
Shiny Volcarona Sprite 35 String Shot (40)
Leech Life (15)
Gust (35)
Fire Spin (15)
Relic Castle Reappears after beating the Pokémon
League at level 65 if its defeated
Shiny Crustle Sprite 42 Stealth Rock (20)
Rock Slide (10)
Slash (20)
X-Scissor (15)
Seaside Cave Mandatory to defeat or catch
to continue the story
Shiny Jellicent Sprite 40 Water Pulse (20)
Ominous Wind (5)
Brine (10)
Rain Dance (5)
Undella Bay Appears on Thursdays.
Only in White 2.
Has its hidden ability
Shiny Jellicent Sprite Appears on Monday.
Only in Black 2.
Has its hidden ability

2.6. Fossils.

Even though Fossils can be obtained at Twisted Mountain, you can also receive them in two other ways:

  • Join Avenue Antique Shop: stores that sell unknown items that will be identified after being bought. Increasing the Join Avenue rank will make them have more items in stock. For example, if you buy a Dusty Stone (rank 10), you may receive a Thunder Stone. After reaching rank 15 and visiting the Join Avenue office after entering the Hall of Fame, there will be some rocks for sale that have a chance to contain one of the fossils. These shops have variations; the items sold will always be the same, but the ones they contain will differ. For the fossils, these are the possible variations:

    Item Rank Price All variations A and B C and D
    Jagged Rock 3+ 300 Rare Bone Sprite Everstone Sprite Float Stone Sprite Hard Stone Sprite Rock Gem Sprite Helix Fossil Sprite Root Fossil Sprite Armor Fossil Sprite Old Amber Sprite Dome Fossil Sprite Claw Fossil Sprite Skull Fossil Sprite Cover Fossil Sprite Plume Fossil Sprite
    Rugged Rock 6+ 400
    Rough Rock 8+ 500
    Polished Rock 10 600

    You will only be able to buy one of each item per day unless the shop's rank goes up, which will make it restock everything. As you can see, the NPC that gives a random fossil is more reliable than this method, but both being limited per day makes them go well hand in hand when it comes to maximising your chances of finding the fossil that you want. Which takes us to the next method.

  • Funfest Mission: after beating the Pokémon League, a new mission will be unlocked in the Entralink depending on your game’s version: “What is the best price?” for Black 2, and “What is the real price?” for White 2. In this quest, you will have to find men dressed in black throughout the region who will offer you different items at varying prices. If the deal is taken, the NPC will disappear and you will receive the item in your inventory, but if you decide not to buy it, the man will stay there and offer the same item for a different price. There are multiple useful items, like the DeepSeaTooth or the DeepSeaScale, but the reason we’re here is fossils, which are as follows:

    Fossil Min price Max price Version
    Old Amber Sprite 4000 24500 Black Icon White Icon
    Dome Fossil Sprite Black Icon
    Helix Fossil Sprite White Icon
    Root Fossil Sprite Black Icon
    Claw Fossil Sprite White Icon
    Skull Fossil Sprite Black Icon
    Armor Fossil Sprite White Icon
    Cover Fossil Sprite Black Icon
    Plume Fossil Sprite White Icon

    This mission can be repeated as many times as you want, and the items will end up in your bag even if you don’t successfully complete it. There’s a total of 22 items these men in black can offer, 9 of them being fossils. It’s not a guaranteed chance, but you will see multiple NPCs during each mission. Each run takes 3 minutes. The only downside is that most fossils are version-exclusive, but you can still trade them to the opposite game if you need them. Alternatively, the missions “Forgotten Lost Items!” (Black 2) and “Not-Found Lost Items!” (White 2) have the chance to spawn Cover and Plume Fossils.

    Here’s the name of the funfest missions in other languages:

    Language Black 2 mission White 2 mission
    English What is the best price? What is the real price?
    Spanish Regateo sin concesiones ¡Bueno, bonito y barato!
    Italian Qual è il prezzo giusto? Qual è il prezzo vero?
    German Was ist es wirklich wert? Was ist der wahre Preis?
    French Vous en donnez combien? Et le vrai prix, alors?
    Japanese りそうの おねだんは…? ホントの おねだんは…?

2.7. Legendaries.

Pokémon Level Moves Location Moves
Shiny Cobalion Sprite 45 Helping Hand (20)
Retaliate (5)
Iron Head (15)
Sacred Sword (20)
Route 13 Reappears after beating the Pokémon
League at level 65 if its defeated
Shiny Terrakion Sprite 45 Helping Hand (20)
Retaliate (5)
Rock Slide (10)
Sacred Sword (20)
Route 22
Shiny Virizion Sprite 45 Helping Hand (20)
Retaliate (5)
Giga Drain (10)
Sacred Sword (20)
Route 11
Shiny Kyurem Sprite 70 Scary Face (10)
Glaciate (10)
Dragon Pulse (10)
Imprison (10)
Giant Chasm After catching Zekrom or Reshiram
on Dragonspiral Tower
Shiny Latias Sprite 68 Psycho Shift (10)
Charm (20)
Psychic (10)
Heal Pulse (10)
Shiny Latios Sprite Psycho Shift (10)
Dragon Dance (20)
Psychic (10)
Heal Pulse (10)
Shiny Regirock Sprite 65 Iron Defense (15)
Charge Beam (10)
Lock-on (5)
Zap Cannon (5)
Underground Ruins in the Clay Tunnel Requires Rock Peak Key active.
More info in the Key system section
Shiny Regice Sprite Amnesia (20)
Charge Beam (10
Lock-on (5)
Zap Cannon (5)
Requires Ice Key active.
More info in the Key system section
Shiny Registeel Sprite Amnesia (20)
Charge Beam (10)
Lock-on (5)
Zap Cannon (5)
Requires Iron Key active.
More info in the Key system section
Shiny Regigigas Sprite 68 Revenge (10)
Wide Guard (10)
Zen Headbutt (15)
Payback (10)
Twist Mountain basement While having Regirock, Regice,
and Registeel in the team
Shiny Uxie Sprite 65 Future Sight (10)
Amnesia (20)
Extrasensory (30)
Flail (15)
In front of Nacrene Museum Have to be found first inside
the Cave of Being, on Route 20
Shiny Mesprit Sprite Future Sight (10)
Charm (20)
Extrasensory (30)
Copycat (20)
Celestial Tower summit
Shiny Azelf Sprite Future Sight (10)
Nasty Plot (20)
Extrasensory (30)
Last Resort (5)
Route 23
Shiny Heatran Sprite 68 Scary Face (10)
Lava Plume (15)
Fire Spin (15)
Iron Head (15)
Reversal Mountain Requires the Magma Stone,
found on a cliff on the north
of Route 18
Shiny Cresselia Sprite 68 Future Sight (10)
Slash (20)
Moonlight (5)
Psycho Cut (20)
Marvelous Bridge Requires the Lunar Wing,
found after completing a puzzle
in the Strange House, near Lentimas Town

2.8. Huntable Events.

Black 2 and White 2 have the opportunity to obtain the same events from the Huntable Events section of Black and White. All of the information needed is already available there.

2.9. Lass Diana.

Everyone knows about most in-game trades being shiny-locked, and this time is no different. But what if you could see the Pokémon that you gave away again? This is the case of Lass Diana, an NPC located in Accumula Town, inside the building to the southwest, after going downstairs. She will first ask you to trade her an Excadrill for her Ambipom. This Ambipom isn’t too out of the ordinary: it knows Agility, Double Hit, Fling, and Nasty Plot, holds a Sitrus Berry, and has a jolly nature. She will promise to train your Excadrill after the trade.

After you come back to the house and talk to her, she will say that Excadrill has trained enough now (it will be 5 levels higher than originally) and will ask you to battle her. This is where it gets interesting. If you happen to give her a Shiny Excadrill, it will be Shiny during the battle as well, showing you that it retains information from your original Pokémon. Sadly, this battle can only be won once, but that doesn’t mean it’s the end of it.

Diana will ask you to trade her a Hippowdon for her Alakazam as soon as you’re done battling. This will follow the same mechanic as before: Shiny Hippowdon will be kept.

Lass Diana using Excadrill
Lass Diana using Shiny Excadrill.
Lass Diana using Hippowdon
Lass Diana using Shiny Hippowdon (male).
Lass Diana using Hippowdon
Lass Diana using Shiny Hippowdon (female).

Armaldo icon3. Other information.

3.1. DNS exploit.

This section only covers the configuration of the Generation 5 games to receive the Mystery Gifts. If you want to know more information, like how to set up a phone hotspot, check the DNS section of the Generation 4 guide.

The Generation 5 games are DSi-enhanced, letting them connect to more modern Wi-Fi access points. The only requirement is a 2.4 GHz connection, as it works with WPA2 security without needing an unsecured or WEP access point. If you are using a regular DS instead of a DSi or a 3DS, you will have to follow the same steps as the Generation 4 guide and setup a phone hotspot.

  • DSi: in “System Settings”, and then under the “Internet” section, select “Advanced Setup”.

  • 3DS: in “System Settings”, and under the “Internet Settings” section, select “Connection Settings”.

To configure the connection:

  1. In "SSID”, set the name of your router’s access point. In “Security”, set the type of security your Wi-Fi is using (if you don’t know, WPA2-PSK (AES) will work). Continue until you reach “DNS” and set “Auto-obtain DNS” to “No”. Set “Primary DNS” to

  2. Test the connection and save the settings. Use the Wimmfi error code lookup page if you have persistent issues.

You won’t need to unlock the Mystery Gift menu, as it will be available by default since the beginning of the game. The gifts you will receive are random. You can choose to accept or not. The server can still offer events that you have already received but won’t let you get them again.